Sunday, February 26, 2023

How to remember foreign language vocabulary

Remember foreign language vocabulary by linking an image of a foreign word with an image of it's translation. Let the image of translation be the actual word. Plus, add something related to that language.

An example:

papillon (french) - butterfly
    ➔ (images) puppy on - butterfly
        ➔ (add something french) puppy with a beret, mustache and striped shirt
            ➔ french puppy on a butterfly

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Top mobile ad networks

I don't remember where I pulled this list from. Nor when. I found it among the mess of my desktop icons. 

I don't have any personal experience with these networks except for AdMob and Meta Audience Network. I am using both networks for the app Fill and Sign PDF Forms for Android. I have implemented a waterfall model with priority given to MAN (as an experiment), showing a single interstitial ad. Comparing the performance of these two networks in the past month (January 2023):

Ad Network Requests Impress. Impr. Rate eCPM $
AdMob 15.985 2.626 16,45% 33,64
MAN 9.448 943 14,55% 7,80

Guess who goes to the bottom of the waterfall.

In any case, here is the list of ad networks that someone else compiled. Share your experience in the comments bellow.

Ad Network Fill
SDKs Mediation
Docs Support Total
Google Admob 5 4 3 2 5 3 3,7
Inmobi 4 5 3 2 5 2 3,5
Applovin 4 3 5 5 2 2 3,5
Fyber 4 3 2 5 2 3 3,2
Smaato 3 5 3 2 2 3 3
Startapp 3 4 4 1 3 2 2,9
Unity Ads 5 3 3 2 3 1 2,9
AdColony 3 3 3 3 2 2 2,7
Tapjoy 3 1 3 2 4 3 2,7
Meta Audience 4 4 2 2 2 1 2,5
Vungle 3 3 2 1 2 3 2,4
Chartboost 2 2 3 2 2 2 2,2


Update 2023.03.27:

Have you planned to distribute your app to Fire tablets as well (via Amazon app store)? Not all ad SDKs are supported, at the moment of writing this, only the following: AdColony, Chartboost, Amazon Publishing Service and Vungle. Check the up to date list of supported ad SDKs for Fire tablets.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Berkshire Hathaway last quarter (Q4 2022) portfolio changes

 Stolen from coattail invest.

Unfollowed RSS Feeds

I've decided to reduce my information intake by unfollowing some RSS feeds, at least for the time being. I may start following them again in the future, so I've created this list for my own convenience.



Sunday, February 12, 2023

How to promote your website, SaaS or android app on Reddit

Last update: 2023.03.08

Post on workdays at 09:00 ET. Be available for immediate comment replying as it can increase the visibility of your post. 

Regarding the pinned posts, try to be the first commenter.

Subreddits that allow self-promotion (directly or in pinned posts)


Self promotion guidelines:

When self promoting a app, your self promotion must be a self post tagged with [DEV]. You must engage the community. Hit and run posts are not allowed.

Additionally, a developer may only post once per month. Exceptions are made at mod team's discretion.




About the subreddit:

This sub is not for advertisements! Questions and answers about starting, owning, and growing a small business only.

Important group rules: 

  • no business promotion posts: No business promotion posts are allowed. Promote your business in the weekly Promote-your-business thread only. Exceptions: You can promote your business in a relevant reply to a post or comment in other threads.

Pinned post:

Promote your business

Post business promotion messages here including special offers especially if you cater to small business. Be considerate. Make your message concise. To prevent your messages from being flagged by the autofilter, don't use shortened URLs.


About the subreddit:

The place to discuss startup problems and solutions.

Important group rules:

  • no direct sales, advertisements, or promotional posts of any kind: there are designated places that are an exception to this rule and they will always be stickied at the top of the subreddit. You MAY share your startup in the Monthly Share Your Startup thread.
  • feedback has a place: Friday Feedback thread.

Pinned post:

Monthly Share Your Startup Thread

Weekly Feedback Friday Thread


About the subreddit:

A community dedicated to all things web development: both front-end and back-end.

Important group rules:

  • no self promotion: Read and follow reddiquette; no excessive self-promotion. Please refer to the Reddit 9:1 rule when considering posting self promoting materials.
  • no commercial promotions/solicitations: We do not allow any commercial promotion or solicitation. Violations can result in a ban.
  • no soliciting feedback not on Saturday: Sharing your project, portfolio, or any other content that you want to either show off or request feedback on is limited to Showoff Saturday. If you post such content on any other day, it will be removed.

Showoff Saturdays:

Work on something and want to share it? Showoff Saturdays are for you! Make a new post on Saturday and tag it [Showoff Saturday] and watch the views rise.

Sharing your project, portfolio, or any other content that you want to either show off or request feedback on is limited to Showoff Saturday. If you post such content on any other day, it will be removed.

What is not mentioned: Your post will be removed if you haven't participated in the subreddit by commenting on other posts. Your account has to be at least a month old. I.e., I could post after I earned some community karma.

Subreddits that do not allow self-promotion, ask for feedback instead


About the subreddit:

A community of individuals who seek to solve problems, network professionally, collaborate on projects, and make the world a better place. Be professional, humble, and open to new ideas. Our community supports side hustles, small businesses, venture-backed startups, lemonade stands, 1-person-grinds, and most forms of revenue generation! However, no one cares about your blog. Please do not come here to self-promote your consulting, book, podcast, MLM, website, dropshipping guide, or $$$ scheme.

Important group rules:

  • you need 10 comment karma to make a post. So if you are a newcomer, you will (obviously) need to comment first. Use pinned posts (bellow) for that purpose.
  • no self promotion
  • no free offerings threads (use Thank you Thursday pinned post instead)

Pined posts:

Noob Monday

If you don't have enough comment karma to create your own new posts, you can post your new questions here. You can also answer/add comments to anyone else's posts in the subreddit.

Thank you Thursday

Your opportunity to thank the r/Entrepreneur community by offering free stuff, contests, discounts, electronic courses, ebooks and the best deals you know of. 


About the subreddit:

A community of like minded individuals that are looking to solve issues, network without spamming, talk about the growth of your business (Ride Along), challenges and high points and collab on projects together. Stay classy, no racism, humble and work hard.

Important group rules:  

  • no free offering threads (haven't noticed dedicated Wednesday sticky post)
  • no self promotion (haven't noticed dedicated 'spots' for promotion either)


About the subreddit:

The place to find and share creative advice to optimize your business growth.


About the subreddit:

Discussions and useful links for SaaS owners, online business owners, and more. 

Pined posts:

Weekly Feedback Post - SaaS Products, Ideas, Companies

This is a weekly post where you're free to post your SaaS ideas, products, companies etc. that need feedback. Here, people who are willing to share feedback are going to join conversations. Posts asking for feedback outside this weekly one will be removed!


About the subreddit:

Subreddit for sharing and receiving constructive feedback on side projects.

Thematic subreddits

As an example, you have made a weather related app or service. Look for related subreddits: r/Weather, r/meteorology, etc.

  1. Message the mods first and ask for a permission to post about your product.
  2. Set up alarms for keywords you are interested in. Reply to posts that trigger them.


Am I missing any? Post in comments.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Informativni izračun | kalkulator mirovine na

S obzirom da sam u gogoleu isplivao na prvo mjesto za pojam "kalkulator mirovine", na treće za "izračun mirovine" i da trenutno brojim nekih 8K posjetitelja mjesečno ...

Vrijeme je da i službeno predstavim svoj 'novi' projekt. 'Novi' jer je tzv. 'silent launch' bio prije nekih godinu i pol.

Do sada ste izračun mirovine mogli zatražiti tek prije odlaska u mirovinu, preko sustava eGrađani (besplatno) ili na šalteru HZMO-a (€9.29). Postoji i par alternativnih on-line kalkulatora, ali nisu toliko detaljni niti (barem meni) jednostavni za korištenje. Sa nekima nisam uspio dobiti smisleni odgovor.

Dakle, da vidite što vas čeka od mirovine (a što ne), pravac na Informativni izračun | kalkulator mirovine.

Tehnički detalji, za one koje zanima ... frontend čine html, javascript i ajax , bez ikakvih frameworka. Backend je python koji se vrti na Google Cloud Platform.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Best SEO tools

Last update 2024.03.31.

Also check Best WordPress SEO Plugins.

Page speed testing:

  • GT Metrix
  • PageSpeed Insights

Keyword research:

General advice is to look for search terms with high volume and low competition, i.e keyword difficulty (KD). Suggested ranges usually are (SV > 500, KD < 40), (SV > 500, KD < 20), (SV > 1.000, KD < 20).


Domain Authority Checker

General resources: 

  • ahrefs (free account has limited functionality)
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console
  • SemRush

If you would like to check how a certain web page is ranking in google for a certain keyword, you can use FATRANK Keyword Checker (Chrome plugin).

Sunday, February 5, 2023

The incomplete list of my completed projects

Last update: 2024.12.18.

Idle hands are the devil's workshop. Completed as published, I am still maintaining most of these projects ... or at least I try to.

05/2009 Apache Error Log Mailer web OPEN-SOURCED
05/2009 PHP Batch Mail web OPEN-SOURCED
06/2009 PHP Authorization web OPEN-SOURCED
06/2009 PHP Authentication web OPEN-SOURCED
10/2009 Weather Forecast USA android OPEN-SOURCED
12/2009 Qibla Compass android SOLD
05/2010 Elevation and Sea Depth android
10/2010 Escapa aka Pilot Test android
12/2010 Time Tracker android
12/2010 Signature Capture android
02/2011 Signature Share android
04/2011 Fill and Sign PDF Forms android
01/2012 VAT Calculator android OPEN-SOURCED
09/2017 Healthy Battery Charging android OPEN-SOURCED
06/2020 Mindful Attention Awareness Scale android OPEN-SOURCED
07/2020 Perceived Stress Scale android
09/2020 Mindfulness Meditation android OPEN-SOURCED
11/2020 Celestial Illumination android
11/2020 Image Converter android
03/2021 Covid19 Visual web OPEN-SOURCED
03/2021 Covid19 Travel web
06/2021 Nautical Calculator android
08/2021 Informativni izračun | kalkulator mirovine web
02/2022 Bar kod generator za uplatnice HUB 3A web
03/2022 Mindfulness Meditation Bot twitter bot KILLED BY ELON
03/2022 Climate Crisis Bot twitter bot KILLED BY ELON
04/2022 Fintech Bot twitter bot KILLED BY ELON
04/2022 Covid19Travel Bot twitter bot KILLED BY ELON
05/2022 ZSEBot (MACD) twitter bot
07/2022 Euro konverter android OPEN-SOURCED
11/2022 Print on demand web store web FAILED
11/2022 Coattail Invest web
12/2022 (silent launch) micro-SaaS TBA web
12/2022 Experimental blog w/ ChatGPT created content web SHUT DOWN
05/2023 SEO Meta Description AI WP plugin
06/2023 Grad Split RSS Feed web
12/2023 - vijesti sažete u 2 paragrafa web, andr.
12/2024 Bluesky follow[er]s export web

Friday, February 3, 2023

Android app stores without developer fees

Here are few. Just don't expect high download numbers.

Galaxy Store
One Store

Am I missing any? What are your experiences with these? Let me know in the comments.

Nelson Mandela's inauguration speech 1994.

Update 2024.10.02:

Update, a year and a half later... It seems I spread misinformation online too. 😕 Turns out this quote isn’t by Nelson Mandela, but from the book A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson, published in 1992. More info here:


Original post:

English below. Español abajo.


Naš najdublji strah nije strah od vlastite nesposobnosti.
Naš je najdublji strah taj da smo beskrajno moćni.
Naša nas svjetlost, a ne naša tama, plaši najviše od svega. Pitamo se: “Tko sam ja da bih mogao biti tako sjajan, divan, nadaren i osobit?”
No zapravo biste se trebali upitati: “Tko ste da to ne biste bili?”
Vi ste dijete Božje. To što glumite da ste beznačajni svijetu nije ni od kakve koristi.
Nema nikakve mudrosti u tome što umanjujete vlastitu vrijednost da se drugi oko vas ne bi osjećali nesigurni. Rođeni smo da bismo očitovali slavu Božju koja je u nama; ne samo u nekima od nas, već u svakome, stoga kad dopuštamo vlastitom svjetlu da zasja u punom sjaju, i drugim ljudima svjesno dajemo dopuštenje da čine to isto.
Kad se oslobodimo vlastita straha, sama naša prisutnost oslobađa druge.

Nelson Mandela - inauguracijski govor 1994.


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.
We ask ourselves: “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous!”
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone.
And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others.

Nelson Mandela - inauguration speech 1994.


Nuestro mas profundo temor no es el ser inadecuados.
Nuestro mas profundo temor es que somos poderosos más allá de cualquier medida.
Es nuestra luz, no nuestra oscuridad la que nos intimida.
Nos preguntamos: ¿Quién soy yo para ser brillante, magnífico, talentoso y fabuloso?. Pero en realidad: ¿Quién eres tú para no serlo?.
Tú eres un hijo de Dios.
No beneficia al mundo el que desvalorices.
No es nada iluminado el que te achiques de tal modo que otras personas se sientan inseguras a tu alrededor.
Hemos nacido para manifestar la gloria de Dios, que está en nuestro interior.
Y esta no se encuentra presente tan solo en algunos de nosotros, sino en todos y cada uno.
En la medida en que dejamos brillar nuestra luz, inconscientemente damos a otros permiso para hacer lo mismo.
En la medida en que somos liberados de nuestros miedos, nuestra presencia automáticamente libera a los demás.

Nelson Mandela - discurso inaugural 1994.

Oglasi za Android uređaje koji podržavaju instalaciju LineageOS-a

Proizvođač više ne podržava vaš android smartphone i ne ažurira OS? Neki app više ne radi na staroj verziji sustava, a novi mobitel ne želite kupiti jer ovaj koji imate zapravo nije za bacit? Želite napraviti de-googleizaciju svog telefona? Trebate privatni 'burner' phone? Ili vam treba uređaj za testiranje appova sa najnovijom verzijom androida?

Prije par mjeseci sam preko Njuškala kupio smartphone za 200 kn. Nokia 6.1 stara par godina. Sve radi super osim što mobitel ima napuknut ekran - što meni za testiranje ni malo ne smeta. Izbrisao sam postojeći OS i umjesto njega stavio LineageOS. I evo, prije neki dan vidim da već postoji update za LineageOS 20.0 (Android 13)!

Ako ste dovoljno odvažni i skloni eksperimentiranju, evo vam tablica sa 100+ Njuškalo oglasa za androide (ispod 500 kn) koji podržavaju instalaciju LineageOS-a.

Napomena, tablica je zadnji put ažurirana prije par mjeseci, tako da neke stvari više nisu aktualne. Ako netko ima volje, može je ažurirati, neka javi u komentaru ako je zainteresiran. Link: