Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The very first elevator pitch

Did you know that first ever 'elevator pitch' was done in an elevator? And it was about - elevators? Elevator brakes, to be more precise.

In the year 1853, Elisha Graves Otis invented a system that would automatically halt an elevator if the hoisting rope snapped. The sales didn't go as Elisha expected, so he decided to publicly demonstrate his invention at the exhibition at the New York Crystal Palace in 1854. An elevator was installed, and while he was in it, Elisha asked his assistant to cut the hoisting rope. Demonstration was successful and demand for safe elevators began to rise.


Sunday, March 24, 2024

What to do if android studio pairing device using wifi doesn't work?

Open the terminal windows inside Android Studio and type the following:

cd $Env:LOCALAPPDATA\Android\sdk\platform-tools
./adb connect

Replace the IP address and port with the data that you see when you enable wireless debugging on your device.

Update 2025.01.27:

Here is the PowerShell script that takes the port number as a command line argument. Don't forget to replace the IP address with yours.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Configure Firefox to allow restricted ports for InstantWP

InstantWP is a complete standalone, portable WordPress development environment. By default, Firefox might block the ports (above 10000) it uses. You'll see the following error message if this happens:

This address is restricted 
This address uses a network port which is normally used for purposes other than Web browsing. Firefox has canceled the request for your protection.

In order to resolve the issue, you need to:

  1. In a new tab, type or paste about:config in the address bar and press Enter/Return. Click the button promising to be careful. 
  2. Search for network.security.ports.banned.override
  3. Open it (or create new, if it doesn’t exist), and insert 10080 (as string, not as number!) at the end.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Čokolada i klimatske promjene

Čokoholičari, pozor! Ovaj graf ne prikazuje cijenu bitcoina nego kakaa. A cijena kakaa će se uskoro odraziti i na cijenu vaše omiljene čokolade. Inače, rekao bih vam da odete do dućana i kupite veću količinu odmah sad, ali znam u kojoj mjeri (ne)možete kontrolirati svoju konzumaciju, pa to baš i ne bi imalo nekog smisla. 😉
Zašto je cijena otišla nebu pod oblake? Možda ste čuli za onu novu foru koju vam svjetski establišment pokušava uvaliti. One nekakve 'klimatske promjene'. E, pa radi se baš o tome! Područje gdje inače raste kakaovac pretvara se u pustinju, pa nasadi ne daju baš neki urod. Čokolada postaje luksuz.
Usput, ne radi se samo o čokoladi, slična sudbina čeka i kavu, ali o njoj nekom drugom prilikom. 🙂

Sunday, March 10, 2024

2023 recalibration of Limits to Growth World3 model

The paper is available here: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jiec.13442 [archive]


The famous chart

The following table is extracted from the supporting data:

Variable LtG BAU
Industrial Output 2018 (2.62T) 2020 (2.60T)
Population 2028 (7.65B) 2033 (8.16B)
Food Production 2017 (3.15T) 2023 (3.71T)
Persistent Pollution 2039 (11.1T) 2088 (13.9T)

Saturday, March 9, 2024

The last Andoid Studio version for Windows 7

'Officially' ...

The last version of Android Studio that supports Windows 7 was 4.1.3. Since version 4.2.1, at least according to the 'System requirements' section, Windows 8 (or newer) is required. Release notes ([1], [2]) do not mention any change in minimum OS requirements.

Actually ...

At the moment of writing this, the latest stable version of Android Studio is Iguana (2023.2.1.23). It can be installed on Windows 7, but if you run it, you will receive the following error message:

The procedure entry point CreateAppContainerProfile could not be located in the dynamic link library USERENV.dll

You can avoid this error by starting studio.bat instead of studio64.exe (both located in Android Studio\bin directory). If you desire more information regarding the cause of the error, further explanation is available here.

If you want to play it safe, the last Android Studio version that runs without such a workaround is Hedgehog 2023.1.1 Patch 2, released on January 23, 2024. It is available for download in the Android Studio download archives. (It supports gradle up to version 8.2.2.)

Also note ...

This might not be the only issue you'll experience with new Android Studio installations. Starting with the platform tools version 34.0.5, adb does not support Windows 7 either. Although not mentioned in the release notes, this limitation is documented in the issue tracker (no, the error won't be fixed). Therefore, if you've installed the latest platform tools, you'll need to uninstall them and manually install platform tools version 34.0.4. The archive is available here.

Note for myself:

Recent projects are saved in the following file:
