Monday, December 25, 2023

How to hide HTML elements in text only (Lynx) or JavaScript disabled browsers

The general approach would be to show a no-JavaScript version of a page to everyone and then insert HTML tags via JavaScript in browsers that do support it. Now, I prefer to keep my JS code clean and not mix it too much with HTML, especially for this infrequent purpose. So, I am using the following (in HTML file):

<!-- This template holder div is shown to everyone, but it's empty -->
<div id="template-holder"></div>

<!-- This template is parsed only by browsers with JS support -->
<script id="template" type="text/html">

<!-- This is the div you want to hide from browsers without JS support -->
<div id="hide-me">...</div>


<!-- Use JS (where available) to insert the template into the template holder -->
document.getElementById("template-holder").innerHTML =
<!-- We're done! -->

This way all HTML code stayed in the original file, and we kept our original JS code intact.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Bingom do relevantnih informacija

Da s vama podijelim jedan mali AI trik s kojim ćete uštedjeti na vremenu, informirati se i istovremeno sačuvati mentalno zdravlje.
Znate ono kad vidite nekakav click-bait naslov na nekom portalu pa pomislite da možda taj članak ipak sadrži informacije koja vas zanimaju. Pa otvorite članak pa vam iskoče pod nos pop-up prozori s privolama i pretplatama, negdje se pokrene nekakav video sam od sebe, pa prvo zatvarate prozore koji su se otvorili unutar prozora kojeg ste vi otvorili, kako bi konačno ispod njih otkrili tekst koji ste mislili pročitati. 
Pa krenete čitati tekst, a ono paragraf za paragrafom razvlače se nekakve informacije koje su već od prije poznate ili imaju tek blage dodirne točke s temom. Pa između paragrafa preskačete oglase za ekspresno mršavljenje, za kurje oči i bogaćenje preko noći. A sve oglase reklamiraju neke cure u svojim dvadesetima koje mogu reklamirati jedino plastičnu kirurgiju, dentalne usluge i umjetne trepavice.
Pa konačno iz čitavog članka kroz koji ste skrolali 10 minuta izvučete par rečenica s novim informacijama. Krenete zatvoriti prozor kad iskoči još jedan pop-up s borbenim pokličem "Gdje ćeš!"
Nakon par otvorenih stranica pitate se na koji način vam to prolazi život.
U svakom slučaju ... otvorite lijepo Bing chat koji je zapravo ChatGPT-4 s pristupom internetu, odaberite 'precizni' konverzacijski stil i dajte mu sljedeću instrukciju:
Koristeći prakse profesionalnog novinarskog izvještavanja, kreiraj mi novi informativni naslov i sažetak u dva paragrafa sa najbitnijim informacijama iz članka koji se nalazi na sljedećoj adresi:
<web adresa članka koji vas zanima>
Udrite enter i uživajte u informiranju! Nema na čemu!

Friday, November 10, 2023

Summer of 2023 swimming

The summer of 2023 has come to an end on November 6. At least for me. To sum it up, I swam a total of 180 km. As announced last year, I (virtually) reached Montenegro and next summer I am starting from Budva. I plan to reach either southern Albania, or I'll zig-zag back to Italy's heel. Stay tuned! 😂


Last date

No. of times

Total distance (km)


October 4




November 11

91 (1 + 67 + 23)



November 6

76 (71 + 5)



Friday, October 27, 2023

Additional UX/UI Resources

Last update: 2024.12.03


EN 301 549 resources

Resources from Google

Figma plugins


Design Systems

Website audit

Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. You can run it against any web page, public or requiring authentication. It has audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and more.



Tuesday, October 17, 2023

SEO Meta Description AI finally available in the official WordPress Plugin Directory

I'm thrilled to announce that my very first WordPress plugin is now available in the official WordPress Plugin Directory! While I initially wrote it back in late May, the approval process took a precise four months and fifteen days – a testament to the world of WordPress development.

Allow me to introduce you to SEO Meta Description AI. As the name suggests, this plugin leverages AI to analyze the content of your WordPress posts and pages, generating SEO-optimized meta descriptions. It's language-agnostic, offered for free (with reasonable usage), and ready for download from Plugin Directory or its official page.

I've also created a brief video tutorial demonstrating how to install and use the plugin, and I genuinely enjoyed putting it together.

The inspiration behind this project? I needed a tool like this, and it provided the perfect opportunity to delve into WordPress plugin development while exploring the OpenAI API for the first time.

To give credit where it's due, ChatGPT assisted in crafting the initial source code and content for the plugin info page, and the eye-catching icon and banner images were the creative work of DALL-E.

My journey with this project has been an enriching experience, even though the direct financial reward is uncertain, much like many other personal ventures. 😁

If you operate a WordPress site and aim to boost your search engine ranking, I invite you to download the plugin and share your feedback.

And, as promised, here's the demo video - I hope you find it as enjoyable as I did creating it.

Friday, October 6, 2023

The Emperor's New Climate Scenarios

The Emperor's New Climate Scenarios report is published in July 2023 by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) and the University of Exeter. The report examines the limitations and assumptions in relation to climate-change scenario modelling practices in financial services, focusing on hot-house world scenarios of 3°C or more of warming.

The report finds that many climate-scenario models in financial services are significantly underestimating climate risk, showing benign, or even positive, economic impacts from a hot-house world in which we fail to limit global warming. This is because current techniques exclude many of the most severe impacts we can expect from climate change, such as tipping points and second order impacts.

The report also finds that there is considerable uncertainty around how much and how quickly we expect the climate to warm. This translates to uncertainty in carbon budgets, with a real chance that the carbon budgets for 1.5°C of warming are now negative.

The report concludes that there is an urgent need to develop more realistic climate-scenario models, and that financial institutions and regulators need to be aware of the limitations of current models. It also calls for a race to net zero emissions, with an intentional focus on accelerating a range of positive tipping points in socio-economic systems.

The report has been widely praised by climate scientists and economists, and has been described as a "wake-up call" for the financial sector. It is hoped that the report will lead to a more realistic assessment of climate risk, and to more ambitious action to reduce emissions.



Monday, September 11, 2023

5-Year-Old Sextortion Scam Still Works!

I recently received an email with familiar content once again:

I did some online research and discovered that the initial reports of this scam date back to 2018. To my surprise, I found it lurking in my inbox again. Intrigued, I decided to investigate the Bitcoin address the scammer had provided. Much to my amazement, over the past few days, five unsuspecting individuals had already deposited $950 USD each into the scammer's account! You can view this development in the screenshot below.:

I've concealed the scammer's Bitcoin address, including all transaction details, to ensure that they cannot be linked back to this post. Why, you might wonder? Well, I've embarked on a small experiment to determine whether I can trace these transactions back to the scammer—a real-life person. If the scammer suspects that their address is under surveillance, they might refrain from moving their money. It's essential to remember that every transaction is permanently recorded on the blockchain and can potentially be traced, even if the scammer attempts to hide their tracks using Bitcoin mixers, which undoubtedly complicates back-tracing. So, let's patiently await the scammer's next move with the funds! I.e. let's hunt some orc!

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Usporedba maksimalnog životnog vijeka sa prosječnim životnim vijekom

 Nedavno pročitani znanstveno popularni članak o produženju životnog vijeka, točnije o "genu dugovječnosti", me je inspirirao da potražim jedan graf kojeg sam vidio prije skoro pola godine. I evo ga - usporedba najdužeg životnog vijeka sa prosječnim životnim vijekom, za period od 1955. do 2023 godine.

Premda je u tom razdoblju globalni prosječni životni vijek produžen sa 47 [!!!] na 73 godine, maksimalni životni vijek od cca 120 godina teško se probija. Ali, može se reći da postoji blagi uzlazni trend. Uz napredak znanosti ostaje nam za vidjeti kako će se situacija u skorijoj budućnosti promijeniti. 😉
Komentar OP-a:
Nadopuna 2023.10.05:

U knjizi Obrisi budućnosti - ideje koje će promijeniti sve (This Will Change Everything - Ideas That Will Shape the Future), 2009, jedan od autora je napisao sljedeće: "oni koji požive sljedećih 30 godina, mogli bi živjeti sljedećih 300". 
Knjiga je izdana 2009. godine, dakle imamo još 15-ak godina do 300-godišnjeg vijeka. 😉 Argument je de će medicina tih 30 godina toliko napredovati da će biti moguće produžiti životni vijek za nekih 10 - 15 godina, tijekom tog 'produžetka' daljnji napredak medicine će nam dati još nekih 15 - 20 godina, itd. Osobno nisam toliko optimističan.
Točno to je sažeo Korado Korlević u Explori emitiranoj 2023.09.26:

Značajan dio i Explore emitirane 2023.10.03. govori o temi:

The Economist je obradio temu dugovječnosti u zadnjem 'Technology Quarterly' prilogu:

Nadopuna 2024.03.12:
Mali, ali ne i beznačajni update nakon šest mjeseci. Već treću godinu za redom, očekivani životni vijek u par najrazvijenijih zemalja svijeta (SAD [1], Velika Britanija [2], Kanada [3]) je u opadanju. Tako se primjerice Velika Britanija vratila 10 godina u nazad. Kao glavni krivac navodi se korona.
BTW, prije točno 50 godina, u knjizi "Granice rasta", jedan od 12 predstavljenih modela, onaj kojeg smo do sada i najbliže pratili, tzv. "Business as usual", predviđao je vrhunac populacije 2028. godine sa 7.65B ljudi. Krajem prošle godine par znanstvenika je napravilo 'rekalibraciju' modela sa novim podacima. Prema novom izračunu, vrhunac bi trebao biti 2033. godine sa 8.16B ljudi. [4]

Saturday, August 26, 2023

User experience (UX) communities

Updated: 2023.09.01

User Experience on Stack Exchange

User Experience Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for user experience researchers and experts.


UXDesign: For experienced and veteran UX practitioners

120k members

r/UXDesign is aimed at practicing UX professionals. Junior career questions will be removed from the feed. Post flair is required. User flair is recommended and can be customized. Please review sub rules before posting or commenting.


User Experience

110k members

A community where professionals, enthusiasts, and individuals interested in the field of user experience can share knowledge, ask questions, and engage in discussions about various UX-related topics.


A community for sharing and discussing UX research

36.3k members

A community for sharing and discussing UX research. The goal is to think about UX research broadly and consider studies from related/overlapping disciplines (e.g., market research, medical anthropology, public health, design research). Open to both academic and applied research. 


UX/IA/ID design resources

17.0k members

Thoughts and resources about User Experience (UX), Information Architecture (IA) or Interaction Design (ID).


UX_Design: A community for everything UX!

11.7k members

A gathering of UX designers and UX researchers talking about everything User experience. Start now by posting interesting tools, case studies, and resources! Do you have any questions about UX design? Ask away!

Sunday, July 9, 2023

UX/UI Resources

Last update: 2025.01.10

See my post A list of UX/UI courses and specializations.

General Resources and Tools

Free stock photos

SMART goals


Introduction to UX Design

User Research and Testing

General Resources and Tools


Focus Groups

User Interviews

Customer Personas

Customer Journey Maps

Affinity Maps

Information Architecture

Tree Testing 


Usability Testing

 A/B Testing

Mood Boards

Paper prototyping

Rapid prototyping

User Interface

Design Elements




Colors in culture:

  • Colors in Cultures [1] [2] [3]


UX Storytelling

UX Copy

User Interface Design


Responsive Design

Mobile Design



Conversational Interfaces


Designing for children


Game UX/UI

Mailing lists


Website performance/health

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Integrating Climate Scenario Analysis into Investment Management: An April 2023 Update

Original PDF. Archived PDF.

GIC is a global long-term investor established in 1981 to manage Singapore’s foreign reserves. It is invested in more than 40 countries worldwide and its mandate is to preserve and enhance Singapore’s international purchasing power over the long term. Explore topics of long-term importance that shape their perspectives.

ClimateMAPS is a tool that was used for financial modeling of climate change. It has been jointly developed by Ortec Finance and Cambridge Econometrics.

Relevant snippets from their full report:

The impact of climate change on broad market beta is expected to be negative, although there might be a potential upside for certain markets, sectors, companies, and business models. Opportunities span emerging markets with currently low exposure to low-carbon utilities, or decarbonisation and adaptation technologies that are currently nascent but could scale with more policy support and capital flows. Risk assets such as equities and real estate are more sensitive to climate change compared to bonds and cash.

Based on a hypothetical global 60% equities and 40% bonds portfolio, returns may still be positive in the long run with climate change, but projected returns are meaningfully lower across all four scenarios versus a climate-uninformed baseline. Hence, long-term investors may be surprised by the underperformance of the portfolio relative to their expectations.

Climate change is projected to have a long-term negative impact on a global 60/40 portfolio in the order of minus 10-40% [...]
The annualised nominal returns over a 40-year period for the 60/40 portfolio ranges from 3.4 to 4.3% in the four scenarios, versus 4.6% in a climate-uninformed baseline.

[...] potential increase in market volatility from climate-related shocks.

[...] global warming leads to decreasing crop yields for most crop types, due to volatile precipitation and stronger summer heat waves. This increases the prices of agricultural products, food, and the general price level of the economy, placing an upward pressure on inflation.

Some of limitations to their top-down scenario approach:

Climate science models have not fully incorporated feedback loops and tipping points from warmer temperatures accelerating the melting of ice sheets, which would increase the sensitivity of average temperatures to greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate impact models do not account for the implications of climate change-related migration on economies and markets.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Mastering SEO: Elevate Your Rankings with Link Building

Boost your SEO rankings with this technique: 

  1. Find higher-ranking webpages for your target keywords 
  2. Create superior content providing more value and relevancy
  3. Find websites that are linking to your competitors from step 1 
  4. Reach out to and direct them to your webpage.


Friday, June 16, 2023

Jednostavan način praćenja oglasa i natječaja u Splitu

Ažurirano 2023.08.20.
Ovaj post je za sve one koji prate oglase i natječaje grada Splita. Dakle, ako vas zanimaju natječaji za gradske prostore, financiranja za udruge, potpore za male poduzetnike, stipendije za učenike i studente, itd, itd. Post se također odnosi i na aktivne građane koji prate javna savjetovanja.
U svakom slučaju ... primjerice meni interesantni natječaji trajali bi dva tjedna i za prijavu bi zahtijevali N različitih službenih papira i potvrda sakupljenih iz N različitih izvora. U nekim slučajevima, za određene dokumente, prvo bi se trebao podnijeti zahtjev nekom tamo uredu da bi se dokument preuzeo tek za par dana, kad bi bio "gotov".
Ako za natječaj ne bi saznali praktički netom nakon što je objavljen, bilo bi upitno da li ćete uspjeti koordinirati svoje svakodnevne aktivnosti sa obilascima institucija i skupiti svu potrebnu papirologiju na vrijeme. 
Ako nemate 'nekoga' u gradu, jedini način da saznate za natječaj na vrijeme bio je da redovito posjećujete službene stranice grada. Ono, baš redovito. Sebi sam odlučio olakšati život i eliminirati tu ponavljajuću radnju. I tako sada nove obavijesti dolaze meni umjesto da ja provjeravam da li na stranicama ima čega novog. A kako smatram da bi i drugi mogli imati koristi, odlučio sam podijeliti svoje rješenje sa ostalima. 
Novi oglasi/natječaji/savjetovanja vam mogu biti dostavljeni preko RSS kanala (ako ne znate što su - provjerite, jako korisna stvar), twitter profila i facebook stranice bez ikakve naknade, te mailom uz minimalnu godišnju pretplatu.
Svi linkovi za praćenje su na adresi:
Eto, podijelite sa onima za koje smatrate da bi mogli imati koristi od ove usluge.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Daniel H. Pink - Prodavati je ljudski (bilješke)

Moje bilješke, da ne kažem sažetak knjige. Link (amazon affiliate) na knjigu:

Položaj moći = ukopavanje u vlastito motrište
Uspješna prodaja = prepoznavanje tuđe perspektive

➤ Započinjanje susreta sa pretpostavkom da smo u položaju manje moći


Veća je vjerojatnost da će nas uvjeriti ona osoba koja nam se sviđa. Sviđaju nam se oni koji nas podsjećaju na nas same. 

➤ Pronaći neobične zajedničke točke.


➤ Postavljanje pitanja samome sebi djeluje bolje nego pozitivna autosugestija. Upitne rečenice traže odgovore u kojima se krije strategija kako obaviti zadatak. Postavljanje pitanja samom sebi može potaknuti intrinsičnu motivaciju za ostvarivanje nekog cilja.

➤ Biti svjestan da loši ishodi u pregovorima/prodaji nisu trajni, sveprisutni i osobni. Dakle privremeni su, specifični i izvanjski.

Uokviravanje ponude

Kontrastiranje ponude sa drugim mogućnostima tako da se istaknu njene vrline.

Manje je više: ljudi se lakše odluče kad je izbora manje. Također, dodavanje jeftinog proizvoda u ponudu može rušiti njenu vrijednost.

Uokviriti ponudu kao prodaju doživljaja. Doživljaji pružaju više zadovoljstva nego materijalni predmeti.

Postavljanje konteksta unaprijed može utjecati na prodaju (postavljanje etikete).

Sitna negativna informacija o proizvodu, nakon pozitivnih informacija može ih naglasiti i povećati njihovo značenje, ako su ljudi koji primaju informaciju u stanju "niskog napora" (nisu usredotočeni, nešto im odvlači pozornost).

Potencijal je zanimljiviji od postignuća. Navodi ljude na dublju procjenu koja generira sve više sve boljih pozitivnih stavova/razloga.

Drugoj strani ostaviti jasne upute kako djelovati.

Negativna pitanja

  1. Na ljestvici 1 do 10, koliko ste spremni npr. potpisati ugovor?
  2. Zašto niste odabrali manji broj?

Kod objašnjavanja broja otkrivaju se razlozi. Ne postavljati binarna pitanja. (Postavite 5 pitanja zašto.)



Svrha prezentacije nije nužno da se naša ideja prihvati iz prve, već u tome da se izloži nešto toliko neodoljivo da potakne razgovor, pretvori drugu osobu u sudionika i napokon dovede do ishoda koji se sviđa objema stranama.

Krenite prvi ako ste etablirani u svojoj branši, posljednji ako se nastojite probiti.

Usitnjeni brojevi ulijevaju više povjerenja nego krupni (npr. bolje 120 minuta umjesto 2 sata).

Prezentacija pitanjem

Ako argumenti imaju čvrste temelje, nagovaranje kroz pitanja može biti učinkovitije nego samo iznošenje činjenica. Izjavne rečenice se mogu prihvatiti pasivno, pitanja zahtijevaju angažman - temeljitiju obradu sadržaja poruke. Pitanja potiču ljude da sami nađu svoje vlastite razloge za slaganje ili neslaganje.

Rime kod slušača ističu smisao i poboljšavaju fluentnost u obradi podataka

Subjekt email poruke

Subjekt email poruke bi trebao biti ili izričito koristan (za pretrpani sandučić) ili tajanstveno intrigantan (za ne pretrpani sandučić), ali vjerojatno ne zajedno. Također treba biti krajnje precizan. Primjeri:

  • 3 jednostavna, ali provjerena načina kako vas navesti da otvorite email
  • Neke čudne stvari koje sam upravo naučio o emailovima

Smišljanje slogana

Objasnite svoj cilj i strategiju tako da odgovorite na sljedeća pitanja:

Kad netko čuje vaš slogan ...

  1. Što biste željeli da doznaju?
  2. Što biste željeli da osjećaju?
  3. Što biste željeli da učine?