Sunday, October 9, 2022

Awesome open source games

Disclaimer: I am using my computer to either learn or create something. Currently I don't play any games, so I haven't played these either. This post is actually for future myself who has a bit different priorities. 😃

Update 203.05.30: found a list of FLOSS games on Steam.

The following three open source games have attracted my attention. Let me know in the comments about other open source games that you find to be awesome.

More about each game ...


0 A.D.

Inspired by: Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings (1999)
Code repository:
Programming languages: C++, JavaScript

Short description from the game's website:
0 A.D. is a free, open-source, historical Real Time Strategy (RTS) game currently under development by Wildfire Games, a global group of volunteer game developers. As the leader of an ancient civilization, you must gather the resources you need to raise a military force and dominate your enemies. 
We intend to portray some of the major civilizations over the millennium of 500 B.C. to 500 A.D. (Hence the midpoint, zero.) 
We put a strong emphasis on historical accuracy while developing 0 A.D. We plan all our units and all our buildings based on reconstructions of how the units and the buildings might have looked like in the ancient world. We even name them in the original languages, such as Greek and Latin.


Endless sky

Inspired by: Escape velocity (1996) → Privateer (1993) → Elite (1984)
Code repository:
Programming languages: C++

Short description from the game's website:

Endless Sky is a 2D space trading and combat game similar to the classic Escape Velocity series. Explore other star systems. Earn money by trading, carrying passengers, or completing missions. Use your earnings to buy a better ship or to upgrade the weapons and engines on your current one. Blow up pirates. Take sides in a civil war. Or leave human space behind and hope to find friendly aliens whose culture is more civilized than your own.

Small note: Writing this post I found out that Elite (1984) precedes Sid Meier's Pirates (1987),  I always thought it's the other way around.


Inspired by: Civilization II (1996)
Code repository:
Programming languages: C (desktop); JavaScript, HTML5 and WebGL (web)

Short description from Freeciv Wikipedia page:

Freeciv is a single and multiplayer turn-based strategy game for workstations and personal computers inspired by the proprietary Sid Meier's Civilization series. It is available for most desktop computer operating systems and available in an online browser version. [...] The game's default settings are closest to Civilization II, in both gameplay and graphics, including the units and the isometric grid. Freeciv is playable online at and

Players take the role of tribal leaders in 4000 B.C. who must guide their peoples through the centuries. Over time, new technologies are discovered, which allow the construction of new city buildings and the deployment of new units. Players can wage war on one another or form diplomatic relationships.

The game ends when one civilization has eradicated all others or accomplished the goal of space colonization, or at a given deadline. If more than one civilization remains at the deadline, the player with the highest score wins. Points are awarded for the size of a civilization, its wealth, and cultural and scientific advances.

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