Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Najpopularnija eCommerce platforma [2024]

Koju eCommerce platformu koristite?

Postavio sam isto pitanje na Facebook grupi "eCommerce Hrvatska" (53 glasa) i r/ecommerce subredditu (202 glasa).

Prema rezultatima ankete, dvije vodeće platforme su Shopify i WooCommerce, dok Wix nije toliko zastupljen. Suprotno tome, BuiltWith Wix stavlja na drugo mjesto - kako globalno, tako i za Hrvatsku (u ovom slučaju se gledaju samo .hr domene). U oba slučaja, prema BuiltWith-u, Wix drži 3% više tržišta od WooCommerce-a.

Zanimljivo je kako u Hrvatskoj Shopify i WooCommerce drže obrnuta mjesta u odnosu na globalni poredak. Kao glavne razloge preferiranja WooCommerce-a kod nas navode se:

  • neizbježna mjesečna naknada kod Shopify-a
  • manji broj developera upoznatih sa tom platformom
  • agresivno reklamiranje Shopify-a na razvijenim tržištima
Rezultati ankete

BuiltWith - distribucija eCommerce platformi na .hr domenama

BuiltWith - distribucija eCommerce platformi na cijelom internetu

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Listing directories and their sizes on Windows

All credits go to superuser answer.

Get-ChildItem | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer } | ForEach-Object { $_.Name + ": " + "{0:N2}" -f ((Get-ChildItem $_ -Recurse | Measure-Object Length -Sum -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Sum / 1MB) + " MB" }

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Time Tracker for Android

Time Tracker for Android is another app I made for my own use. I released it on December 4, 2010, and the last update was 5 years ago. I had pretty much forgotten about it until I started receiving constant warnings from Google Play that my app would be removed from their store. Instead of abandoning it, I decided to update it.

At that time, the app had 22 installs and exactly 0 monthly active users. AdMob was reporting lifetime earnings of $79 USD — another financial success of mine.

The first step was to move the code repository from CVS (anyone remember that one?) to GitHub. Android Studio couldn't even build the code when I opened it.

The app launcher icon, before and after the redesign   

Sample screenshot, before and after the redesign

Time Tracker for Android has been redesigned using Material Design 3 with Dynamic Colors. Check out the short video demo here: Time Tracker for Android video demo.

To sum it up, I invested a few hours, and Time Tracker is back on track! I've also been thinking about the future of this app and my other projects. Once I finish getting my other apps through the F-Droid pipeline, I plan to open-source Time Tracker as well. This will give other developers the opportunity to contribute or fork it for their own purposes.

In the meantime, if you want to try out the updated version, you can download it directly from Google Play: Time Tracker on Google Play.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Zeleni plan EU: smanjujemo emisije ili ih outsourcamo?

Malo o 'ekologiji' i 'zelenoj tranziciji' u EU ...
U sklopu tzv. Zelenog plana (Green Deal) koji je dogovoren prije četiri godine, EU planira do 2050. postati CO2 neutralna. Analiza dokumenata koji definiraju praktične mjere tog plana pokazuje da će se emisije CO2 u EU smanjiti, dok će se izvan EU više nego udvostručiti. Outsourcamo i duplamo emisije. Ima smisla?